Add Author

Issue: Authors sometimes forget to add 2nd Author, 3rd Author, and so on.
Written by INSAN Psikologi
Updated 6 months ago

To add another author, the submitting author must access the submission metadata and add the author data.

Metadata is structured information from the manuscript submitted by the author which includes Author, Abstract, Keywords, Bibliography, etc.

To do this, please do the following steps:

1. Log in to the INSAN JPKM website page and click Active.

2. Select the manuscript to which you want to add the author data.

3. Click Edit Metadata.

4. Click Add Author.

5. Insert Author data.

The mandatory data that must be entered are First Name, Last Name, and Email. In addition, it would be better if other data such as ORCID ID, Affiliation, URL, and so on are completed (optional).

In addition, please check other parts such as Abstract, Keywords, and Bibliography whether they are correct. If there are any errors, please make corrections as appropriate.

6. Click Save Metadata.

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