General Instructions & Specific Instructions

Written by INSAN Psikologi
Updated 5 months ago

A. Introduction

This is a part of the General Instructions, Specific Instructions, and Format Structure.

B. General Instructions

  1. The provisions for writing manuscripts in INSAN Jurnal Psikologi dan Kesehatan Mental refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition
  2. Manuscripts can be written in Indonesian or English using correct grammar rules. Manuscripts in English are generally written in past tense.
  3. Manuscripts written in English or by authors whose first language is not English should be sent to the English Editor first for an English grammar check.
  4. Authors are strongly encouraged to follow the manuscript template that has been provided.
  5. The length of scientific manuscripts should be around 7000 words or approximately 15-20 pages, including accompanying figures, graphs, and tables (if any).

  6. Figures and tables are only for explaining things that cannot be easily explained using text. Please ensure that the quality and size of the figures presented are sufficient to produce good print quality.

  7. Manuscripts must be uploaded through the Open Journal System (OJS). Please click the register menu in the Submit Manuscript section for first-time users.

  8. All correspondence related to INSAN JPKM is conducted via email at

Make sure all of the points above are met to avoid the manuscript being returned to the author.

C. Specific Instructions

  1. Foreign or local language terms in the text are written in italics.
  2. The literature review is not included as a part of the manuscript structure. Thus, citations of literature that are considered important can be integrated in the introduction or discussion section.
  3. Cite reference literature only if necessary in the discussion. What is preferred is the data analysis result found by yourself.
Make sure all of the points above are met to avoid the manuscript being returned to the author.
Use an automated citation management tool such as Zotero Bib to ensure that the formatting and writing of the literature review is in line with the requirements. Learn more.

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